
Christophe Golé,  Smith College




Symplectic Twist Maps  

(World Scientific, 2001)



A Dynamical System for Plant Pattern Formation: Rigorous Analysis

(with  P. Atela and S. Hotton), J. Nonlinear Sci. Vol. 12 , Number 6 (2002)


Lagrangian systems on hyperbolic manifolds

(with Boyland, P.)  Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems ,  19 (1999)


Dynamical stability in Lagrangian systems

(with Boyland, P.), in Hamiltonian Systems with Three or More Degrees of Freedom, C.

Simo, editor. Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1999)


A Note on Carnot Geodesics in Nilpotent  Lie Groups 

(with R.  Karidi)   J. of Dyn. &  Control Sys. (1995)


Optical Hamiltonian systems and symplectic twist maps

Physica D  71,(1994)


Periodic orbits for Hamiltonian systems in cotangent bundles

Trans. AMS.  Vol. 343, number 1, (1994)


A remark on a conjecture of Arnold: linking of spheres and fixed points

(with A. Banyaga),  in Hamiltonian systems and  celestial mechanics,

E. Lacomba  & J. Llibre (eds.), Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics  Vol.4, World Scientific (1993)


Suspension of symplectic twist maps by Hamiltonians,

In Hamiltonian dynamical systems, IMA volumes in Mathematics and its applications

Vol. 63 (1992)


Symplectic twist maps and the theorem of Conley-Zehnder for general cotangent bundles

in Mathematical Physics X,  Proceedings of the Xth congress of Mathematical  Physics,

K. Schmudgen (ed.), Springer Verlag (1992)


A new proof of Aubry Mather's theorem

Math. Zeit. 210  (1992)


Ghost circles for twist maps

Jour. Diff. Eq., Vol. 97, No. 1 (1992)


Poincaré’s proof of Poincaré’s last geometric theorem

(with G.R. Hall), in Proceedings on Twist Maps and their Applications,  IMA volumes in Mathematics and its applications Vol. 44, Springer 9 (1992)


Ghost tori for monotone maps

in Proceedings on Twist Maps and their Applications,  IMA volumes in Mathematics and its applications Vol. 44, Springer 9 (1992)


Monotone maps of  Tn X  Rn and their periodic orbits

in  Geometry of Hamiltonian Systems, Proc. of MSRI workshop, T. Ratiu (ed.),  Springer (1991)




Lamination by ghost circles

(with S. Angenent),  E.T.H. (Zurich) preprint, (1991)

(appears in a revised form in the book above.)